September 13, 2007

Let the Fun Begin!

I had my first day of real work today as we transited from NJ to Baltimore. I learned a lot from everybody and got to get my hands dirty in the process. I helped with everything from working the line on the airship for take off and landing to tearing down and setting up the mast. It was a particularly long day today due to how long it took us to stake the ground for the mast. The ground was so hard that what usually takes two guys 20 minutes took two hours of hard labor by the whole crew to get them in the ground.
Overall I am particularly impressed with the coordination that goes into going to the next town. All of the vehicles stay in close contact along the way and everything is well thought out in advance. The airship gets a head start but the ground crew quickly catches up and gets to the airport in advance to set up the mast. After all the ship can't land without a mast to attach it to. While in the air, the pilot updates his arrival time on the radio to allow the crew time to plan accordingly.
A great first day overall. I look forward to sleeping very well tonight.