April 15, 2008

Cruising Around Dallas

It was a beautiful day to be flying over Dallas yesterday. I finally had a chance to fly up by the "old" Texas Stadium where the Dallas Cowboys play. Its an impressive stadium, but the new one they are building in Arlington is going to top it for sure. Then after working the many freeways around Dallas, I spent some time over a t-ball game waving to the people below and taking some pictures. I figure its good practice for when I finally start flying events. Plus its always fun to see people excited about the blimp.

The next best thing is hearing about how someone saw you flying. I received a comment on the blog that included a story that cracked me up so I thought I'd feature it.

Hi! I was in the middle of interviewing a very nice guy for a job in my department when over his shoulder and out the window of our offices I saw you! I feel bad now, because I leapt out of my chair, pointed and exclaimed "look its Snoopy 2" as he was telling me his work history. Hey, if he wants to come work for me, he needs to get used to my love of blimps. :)

Thanks for flying over the Clear Channel radio building. You made my day!

Reading that story totally made my day. Its such a fun business on so many levels. I love my job!