January 15, 2008

Night Flying Over LA

To prepare for the practical test, part of the requirements for an airship rating is that the applicant has 10 hours of night flying logged in the the airship. I was able to finish that requirement tonight as we flew exposure over Downtown Los Angeles. While we were flying around I thought I'd take a short video to give everyone an idea of what LA looks like at night around rush hour time. Basically this is a 360 degree view of Downtown LA as I saw it tonight as I was flying around. My camera isn't the best at night but I think it will give you an idea anyway. You can see in the video lines of white lights, next to lines of red lights. Anywhere you see that is actually the back up of traffic on the major highways. This video was taken just south of downtown near the I-10 and I-110 freeways which was very busy just like the rest of the freeways.